Theoretical Quantum Matter
- tqmattergroup@gmail.com
- +46 8 5537 8444 (Nordita)
Roslagstullsbacken 23
106 91 Stockholm
Self-assembled Quantum Dots (QD) exhibit some of the best single photon emission properties, including nearly ideal efficiency and indistinguishability. As such, and considering their compatibility with nanofabrication techniques, on-chip integration of QDs as single photon emitters and non-linear components plays a key role in integrated photonic-based information processing and may pave the way toward the creation of quantum networks. Manipulating and storing quantum information utilizing QD spins, however, is limited by their short coherence times originating from interactions with a nuclear bath. In this talk, I will describe our approaches for addressing this challenge: First, the application of dynamical decoupling (DD) pulse sequences prolongs the coherence times by decoupling the QD spins from the environment. While the performance of such protocols is often limited by the accumulation of pulse imperfections, arbitrary spin control enabling composite and concatenated sequencing could further enhance the achievable spin control fidelities [1]. Such a sequencing is implementable by driving a Lambda system of the QD utilizing an optical signal arbitrarily modulated by a temperature-stabilized electro optical modulator (EOM). I will present a recent experimental demonstration of such a control [2], our analysis for optimizing the EOM working point for enhancing the achievable optical rotation Rabi frequencies, as well as the efficiency of the protocol for QDs strongly coupled to L3 photonic crystal cavities. Second, the resulting coherence properties may be further enhanced by utilizing molecules of coupled QDs (QDM), which offer a singlet-triplet ground state decoherence-free subspace [3]. Beyond the promising combination of such a subspace with the application of DD sequences, leveraging the isolated optical transitions of the QDM may offer single-shot spin readout capabilities. I will present our approach for implementing such a spin readout incorporating microwave pi-pulses, its experimental feasibility utilizing optimally designed transmission lines, and the expected readout fidelities based on the achievable microwave Rabi frequencies [4].
[1] D. Farfurnik et al., “Optimizing a dynamical decoupling protocol for solid-state electronic spin ensembles in diamond’’, Phys. Rev. B 92, 060301(R) (2015)
[2] J.H. Bodey et al., “Optical spin locking of a solid-state qubit’’, npj Quantum Information 5, 95 (2019)
[3] D. Kim et al., “Ultrafast optical control of entanglement between two quantum-dot spins’’, Nat. Phys. 7, 223–229 (2011)
[4] D. Farfurnik et al., “Experimental realization of time-dependent phase-modulated continuous dynamical decoupling’’, Phys. Rev. A 96, 013850 (2017)