Theoretical Quantum Matter
- tqmattergroup@gmail.com
- +46 8 5537 8444 (Nordita)
Roslagstullsbacken 23
106 91 Stockholm
Talk by Johan Hellsvik.
Title: Impressions from the NNSP-SwedNess Neutron School 2019, Tartu
Abstract: The European Spallation Source (ESS) is under development and construction in Lund. The Swedish and international neutron community are running a number of activities and projects in connection to ESS. One such activity is the SwedNess graduate school in neutron scattering. I will give impressions from the NNSP-SwedNess Neutron Summer School 2019, Tartu, and highlight some of the ESS neutron instruments that will be used for condensed matter physics.