Seminar – Jason T. Haraldson – University of North Florida

Examining multi-band effects on the electronic compressibility of a 2D electron gas: Insights into the negative compressibility of LAO/STO In this study, we investigate the consequences of two electronic bands at the negative electronic compressibility (NEC) cross-over point for a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) using a simple homogeneous model with Coulombic interactions and first-order multi-band […]

Seminar – Prof. Philip Phillips – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Beyond BCS: An Exact Model for Superconductivity and MottnessHigh-temperature superconductivity in the cuprates remains an unsolved problem because the cuprates start off their lives as Mott insulators in which no organizing principle such a Fermi surface can be invoked to treat  the electron interactions.  Consequently, it would be advantageous to solve even a toy model […]

Seminar – Prof. Björn Trauzettel – University of Würzburg

Direct detection of odd-frequency superconductivity Odd-frequency superconductivity is a dynamical phenomenon. The time-dependence of the anomalous Green function matters. Therefore, a dynamical response is needed to directly detect odd-frequency superconductivity. We propose a novel type of detection scheme based on two-pulse, time-resolved ARPES noise measurements. Remarkably, the experimental response is directly proportional to the anomalous […]

Seminar – Glenn Wagner – Oxford University

Kekule spiral order in twisted bilayer graphene Twisted bilayer graphene has attracted a lot of attention due to the presence of correlated insulators proximate to superconductivity. In this talk I will present a new proposal for the nature of the correlated insulators. This order, which we dub the 'incommensurate Kekule spiral' (IKS) order, spontaneously breaks […]

Seminar – Prof. Andrei Derevianko – University of Nevada, Reno

Searches for dark matter and exotic astrophysics with networks of quantum sensors. As precision quantum sensors  become ubiquitous, it is natural to combine them into networks. I will focus on searches for exotic physics signals with networks of quantum sensors. Most of my work is related to atomic clocks and I will give a general […]